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Friday, January 24, 2014

Intro - Blog #1

Never would I have thought I would be sitting down and writing a blog!!!  Heck I had to Google the word "blog" just to make sure I knew what the word meant.  Just in case someone out there like me, Wikipedia defines it as a Web Log, so creative dropping the We!!

The main reason I decided to do this ... self motivation.  Basically I need to motivate myself to LOSE WEIGHT!!  So I figure what is the best way to do it and thought of course, update my progress to the entire world.  Of course I do not plan to advertise this blog to the world, but if I subconsciously make myself believe millions of people are reading this and cheering me on, wouldn't that be great motivation?

Now to make this believable to myself I also need to create a name for my blog that represented me, my family, my hobby and things I love to do.  Talk about difficult.  But then like all great things the light bulb come on and the word Squeeze Play came to mind.  

Squeeze Play is a baseball term.  Let me return to my old friend Wikipedia for a definition "is a maneuver consisting of a sacrifice bunt with a runner on third base. The batter bunts the ball, expecting to be thrown out at first base, but providing the runner on third base an opportunity to score."

What an awesome thing, sacrificing yourself for the greater good of the team.  Choosing this name was so perfect in many ways.  I have the ability to coach baseball, with the full backing of my wife, she is laying that bunt down so that I can score, sacrificing herself for the great good.  I also am laying that bunt down sacrificing myself and my time to coach my 3 wonderful boys so they can score.

I also take this meaning and apply it to my life, I get so busy having to squeeze everything in.  Which also is going to include this diet and workout that I am about to start.  At some point during this journey I have to sacrifice some of the things I love to do as in drinking, eating out and free time to make this diet work!

What is going to make this even more difficult is that I am starting the end of January, as we start baseball practice and are finishing up basketball.  But I am going to make the effort to accomplish my goals.  Which are.....

To try and drop between 20-25 pounds before Katie and I leave for Vegas in 8 weeks.  This puts me trying to lose 2-3 pounds a week.  I plan to use good eating habits, drinking lots of water and a work out program.

This is all set to start on Sunday, January all you fake millions of people out there come join me on this journey!!  I will try to keep everyone updated 1-2 times a week on this progress!!

-= Kurt =-

I will end each blog with a super cool 80's something just because if you know me I LOVE THE 80's....

(yes that voice is Optimus Prime)

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