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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Always Look Down!! - Blog #6

It truly has been an emotional 2 weeks.  It is also no joke life can throw some very hard punches.  But no matter how hard the punch is, no matter if it is a direct shot to the head or a glancing blow to the chin, you have to press forward.  A quote from one of my favorite movies explains nobody is gonna hit as hard as life....

Not forgetting the ones lost and at the same time moving forward with this beautiful thing we call life.  Always making sure you live life to the fullest, love the ones who are closest to you and laugh everyday!!

Even with everything going on I have stayed true to my plan working out almost every day.  I still have been getting up every morning at 6am and walking on the treadmill.  Some days I have even walked outside in the afternoon.

However, now that I started walking outside I have learned something, there is a big difference walking outside vs the treadmill.  On the treadmill I never have to look down, always forward at the tablet watching my TV show.  If you apply that same rule outside this is what happens . . .

Yes it was that bad (if you know me you know I love a story!!)  So I was just bee bopping along jamming out to some tunes being spun on Pandora, when I thought, "Hey this is a great song I need to pick up the pace and start to run."  So, boom like that, I am off, feeling like a jackrabbit, but looked more like a three-toed sloth (who averages .15 miles per hour, useless information).  So I take six or seven running jogs feeling good and then it feels like I am on a slip and slide...Zero to slippery in .06 seconds!!  Lucky for me I am just that athletic and I did not come crashing to the pavement.  So after catching my balance, I turned my head to look back to see what the heck I slipped on.  Yep a pile of poo and I do not mean the Winnie the Pooh kind.  I guess I should clarify it was not so much a pile any longer, I turned it into a long smear!

All I could think about was how do I get this off my shoes!!  My best thought was to try and keep my "great" running pace and at the same time drag my foot to get the crap off my shoes.  As I did this a few times I started to feel like some sort of Zombie running after brains, it was not working.  I decided to change my plan, stop for a minute and just rub my shoe on anything that I could that would remove the crap from the bottom.  After a several minutes and 143rd street now looking like dog ran around with diarrhea, I was then satisfied that most of it was removed from my shoe!!

The moral of the story, I guess, is that you can never out run or walk through life without getting a little shit on your shoes, just take time to wipe it off and carry on....or you can just look down when you are running!!! :)


-= Kurt =-